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The Holliday Scarf

OK.. I admit it.  I forgot about the blog.  I made lots of stuff last year.  I even took a whole bunch of pictures.  But man this blogging stuff is time consuming.  The actual sitting down in front of the pc, uploading pics so I can edit them and make them all pretty... either I'm not working smart or this is how long it takes and makes me admire those hard core daily bloggers even more!

So I thought I'd give it another go.... perhaps fewer photos and more text, or less text and more photos.

I recently had a big freak out over photos.. or lack thereof.  You know when you always say you're gonna back up your photos and then you never get round to it.... Back. up. your. photos!
Last week our pc went a bit loco and I'll not bore you with the details but suffice it to say our photos were a casualty of the meltdown.
Thank goodness my husband has a bit of pc savvy and after a very long and nerve-wracking week he recovered the photos off the drive.  All 143101 of them.
And in amongst all those photos were lots I'd taken of gifts I'd made with the intention of sharing them on here, and never got round to doing it.  So lesson learned!  If anything, updating the blog regularly is a great way to keep track of the things I've made and place to back up my photos to!

Well that was a rather long winded intro! Oops!
Anyway, down to business.... the scarf I'm wearing in the pic above is one I made over the Christmas holidays.  It is a granny stripe scarf, nothing fancy.. but I love, love, love the colours!  These yarns were all from tiny scraps I had in my stash, some I don't even know where they came from or what project they were used for... I really wish I'd had more of the teal but I think it works regardless...

It even suits my cat Paisley - even if she doesn't think so!


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