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I've recently learned to crochet.   My sister taught me the basics on a flying visit at the end of summer and thanks to the WWW I'm progressing well.  I think I might have a little addiction forming really.  I'm not the kind of person who can "just sit" and watch TV, so crochet is a great way of being busy whilst doing nothing!  I've made a few scarves for the girls, I've made a few scarves for myself....and this week I'm busy on another new scarf for yours truly! (aren't I lucky!)

It is my own design - I'm just making it up as I go along.  I wanted an infinity scarf, but decided to crochet from side to side rather than continually as I've yet to master a neat finish when going up a new row... the one stitch I knew I needed to incorporate was this puff stitch.  It is the 3 rows of big chunky blobs on the right hand side for those who don't know it.  I learned it when I made the Urban Jungle slouch beanie, pictured below  - what a funky stitch!  Anyway, I made the Urban Jungle (great pics of how to in the link) slouch beanie in the same blue yarn and wanted it to match in colour as well as a nod to the puff stitch.  So far I'm pretty pleased how it is turning out.  The plan is to repeat the first few rows of single crochet (is it?  see I'm still such a novice!)  after the row of puffs in a mirror image.  I think it will look good.  Then I'll join it up and voila, infinity scarf....  I just hope it's not too long!

I'm itching to get it finished....what a bonus that I can catch up on my favourite TV programs and still have something to show for it!!! 


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