Look what I found in my veg patch! Isn't it pretty? After a very slow start to the season, when nothing seemed to be growing at all it seems that FINALLY things are getting underway. Here in the Netherlands we've had an extremely cool start to the summer, days of rain and miserable, cold, grey skies. Not surprising really that everything was so slow to get started. This beauty is a variety of courgette called Zucchino Romanesco . Super. Awesome. Wonderful! Probably the best tasting courgette you can grow! We all agree that their flavour is excessively good. Here is the validation. My 6 year old does not usually touch courgette. Her little nose wrinkles up sweetly in distaste and there is always an argument that she "just taste ONE bite"... However she is a keen gardener so didn't need to be coaxed into trying "courgette from the garden" as she had "spotted it" herself on her morning reconnaissan...
Growing Making Sowing